for the release of mental and physical tension, stress and trauma
TRE® stands for Tension & Trauma Releasing Exercises. This method was invented by Dr. David Berceli for acute relief of soldiers and war-torn populations. Today it is used in more than 40 countries around the world. In the Czech and Slovak Republics it is only now (2023) slowly beginning to spread thanks to a new certification program.
It is based on neurophysiological foundations and research on how the body is affected by stressful situations
How do we react to stress ?
Whether it is stress or a traumatic event, our body always reacts the same way. The body starts to release andrenaline, cortisol and at the body level it enters a state of increased activation causing tension in certain parts of the body, especially in the psoas muscle connecting the upper and lower half of the body and subsequently in the associated muscle chains. If the tension is not released after such an event, it remains stored in the body and held. For a deeper understanding, I recommend Gabor Maté's books or specifically the book, The Body Counts the Wounds, which goes into quite a bit of detail about the impact of stressful events from childhood or adulthood on our body, mind and overall how we will behave in the future.
Inadequate attention to these situations and the subsequent lack of healing usually manifests itself over time in the physical realm, such as back, neck or other body part pain, or in the psychological realm by developing certain behaviors or frequently experiencing anxiety or inappropriate reactions to certain stimuli, etc.
This method is based on the activation of the natural muscle tremor reflex, which is the body's self-healing ability given to all of us. This neurogenic tremor or quiver releases tension in the muscles, calming the nervous system and gradually bringing the body out of the attack/flee/dissociation or freeze response. While the release takes place on the physical plane, it is accompanied by a change in the state of the psyche, often without even the recall of the original memories or emotions. An important part of the process is the ability of so-called self-regulation, which the client develops during the sessions and which helps him to define himself more clearly and easily in everyday life in terms of communicating his needs and setting boundaries.
So what can TRE help with ?
better stress management
pain in the body of a functional nature
asymmetries in the body of a functional nature (scoliosis, dystonia, ..)
greater flexibility of the body
fundamentally improves interpersonal relationships
relief from chronic physical problems
greater emotional stability
reduction of PTSD symptoms
better quality of sex life
processing traumatic experiences
begin to differentiate emotions and understand yourself more
better sleep
and more
Is that even possible ?
You may wonder if it is possible for a method to have so many positive effects and yet so disparate as improving chronic problems, better sex life, better sleep, less stress, reducing scoliosis or improving interpersonal relationships. How would that even be possible? As I stated above the body responds to stress by contracting muscle groups, especially the psoas muscle, and the associated muscle groups. This creates chronic contractions on the body, which are often asymmetrical to boot. Other parts of the body must thus adapt and compensate for these changes. In addition, it is important to remember that the psoas is in close contact with the abdominal organs, the diaphragm and the abdominal ganglion nerves. This massive nerve plexus includes the digestive, reproductive and sexual organs. Chronic muscle contraction is also closely associated with higher cortisol levels. So with this knowledge, if we go back to the original question, you may already see some connections. High cortisol levels disrupt sleep patterns and therefore impair sleep. Sexual experience is related to a relaxed pelvis, which affects the psoas, scoliosis if functional is the sum total of asymmetries in the body and various contracted muscles. And interpersonal relationships? This is indeed an interesting topic and I will leave the explanation of it for a later or personal encounter.
For whom is this method suitable ?
I feel like it's too much for me
I feel stress or anxiety or pressure
We are a business and we want our employees to feel more at ease and connected to their colleagues
I am a soldier, police officer, firefighter or work out a lot at the gym and want something to relax me
I find I can't set boundaries
I find it hard to say no
I don't want to go to therapy and talk about my feelings, but I want to do something with myself
My child is stressed (this method is great for children)
I've had surgery and I don't feel well after it (my body perceives surgery as a traumatic experience)
I have been in an accident, rape or other scary experience
I want to do something for myself while being in a group of people who are non-judgmental and inspiring (groups)
I go to therapy but would like to deepen it in a way other than talking
My back or other parts of my body hurt
I am tight/tight on my body
I perceive asymmetries in my body and want to do something about it
I have a tight pelvis
I am fine but want to provide regular relaxation to my body and ease my mental state
I would like to learn a technique that will help me in challenging situations
I want to understand what's happening to me, why I'm having these emotions and thoughts
I'm in physiotherapy and I want to support my process
I'm always sharpened
I don't know how to relax
I'm a bit of a workaholic and a perfectionist
How is the session going ?
The session has two parts. In the first, we prepare the body for the TRE process with a series of simple stretching exercises. In the second part, the client lies still on the mat and allows the body to shake, vibrate, and pass through the body spontaneously. In the links below you can find a video of how shaking occurs naturally in the animal kingdom.
What is trauma? It is generally defined as an intense stressful experience or a seemingly unbearable life experience often associated with situations such as violence, assault, rape, war, accident, etc. I agree with this, but my understanding is somewhat widespread.
It's also much smaller things. Situations that we normalize, such as growing up in poverty, being taken away from your mother after birth or breast before your body is ready for it, or having to be the responsible one in the family and take care of younger siblings, etc. It is also not just things that happened, but often it is things that did not happen that are indispensable to the development of the being, such as the absence of physical touch, feeling understood by parents, etc.
It must also be taken into account that an experience that is overwhelming for one person may not be for another. Therefore, trauma is difficult to define in general terms and cannot be seen as a weakness or inability of the individual to cope.
My point of view
I am of the opinion that trauma in the extended sense (and stress in general), as described above, is an integral part of our lives, of every individual, and therefore it is extremely important to learn about it, to understand it, its principle, its impact on us, and to work with it from an early age within the family and other institutions such as school, etc. We can look at working with emotions, stress and trauma as any other skill we learn as children that can help us to better achieve our goals, to have a greater understanding of interpersonal relationships and to develop creativity.
About me
Who am i
My name is David Bém and from an early age I have been interested in how the brain works, what can be done by working with the psyche and, above all, why we make the choices we do. I always felt that the significant remained hidden. And it does.
Later on i discovered hypnosis, and later I discovered working with the unconscious, which opened up a new adventurous path in my life. I studied Carl G. Jung, who impressed me and began to provide me with many answers to my questions. Subsequently, I began to become familiar with the work of Stanislav Grof, his transpersonal psychology, the extended map of the human psyche, the birth matrix and his work with holotropic states (I still provide consultations in the integration of psychedelic experiences). At the same time, I began to focus intensively on behavioral patterns, their emergence and the possibility of transforming them. Particularly powerful for me was the encounter with John Bowlby's attachment theory (a way of relating to a partner).

The patterns of behavior and their transformation captivated me for several years and I found the tools with which I could answer the question "Why do we make the choices we make? Why we do what we do. Why do we keep doing the same things. Why do I keep meeting the same type of people, etc." and at the same time change these unconscious patterns.
I have mastered many techniques, the most pragmatic of which I still practice today, based on the work of the unconscious, are Parts Work and The Completion process.
Parts Work works with the concept of inner dialogue, which helps to better achieve one's life goals and leads to a deep understanding of oneself. It is a modification of a modern therapeutic method known as the Integrated Family System developed in the 1980s by Richard C. Schwartz.
The Completion Process, on the other hand, works with trauma through following the emotions into the body, discovering the original memory and then integrating the split-off parts.
At some point in my development, I became intensely aware of my body. I came to the conclusion that although the above techniques were particularly effective, they did not have the impact on the body that I would have imagined. I began to study Wilhelm Reich and Gerda Boyesen, the founder of biodynamic psychology, and took several courses with her daughter, Mona Lisa Boyesen.
Subsequently, I was exposed to the pioneering work of Peter A. Levin (Somatic Experiencing), Stephen W. Porges (Polyvagal Theory) and David Berceli (TRE) who shed light on how the body responds to stressful events.
So in 2019 I discovered TRE and began studying this method and became a certified facilitator. Later I learned some Ebby Boysen methods aimed at working with psycho-orgasmic energy, which dissolves muscle armour and promotes the flow of life force, thus accelerating TRE results.
What TRE has brought me personally
Years ago I started having pain in my back and then in the whole left side of my body. I went to all kinds of physiotherapy but nothing helped. I exercised like this for several years and after one such therapy my pain got extremely worse and I had to stop exercising altogether. I didn't even look for other specialists anymore, because I had already tried all the main directions in physiotherapy that you can encounter in the Czech Republic.
At that time, I decided to go about it in a different way, to start studying the effect of stressful events on the body to understand what exactly was happening (had happened in the past) in the body. Among other things, I discovered TRE. I tried it first as a client and then decided to go into training.
Part of the training is the constant intensive use of this method and becoming aware of the body. I realised that the pain I was experiencing in my body had been there since I was at school. It was not continuous, but manifested itself with a twinge in my hip every once in a while, in exactly the same place as I later experienced constant pain with a different intensity. Similarly, the asymmetrical position of the chest on the left side of the body and the unanchored scapula on the right side of the body was something I explored in high school. Something is probably also a transgenerational transfer, as my dad experiences similar pain in one of the places I do. And gradually, more and more slivers appeared.
So for a long time, the body had the ability to compensate for these asymmetries, but it just decided one day that it couldn't anymore.
After a year of using this method, I again made an appointment with the physiotherapist I had been seeing. My condition had improved slightly and I wanted to start gently strengthening the middle of my body. He was surprised, because within a year my scoliosis had improved by more than 90%, which reassured me that I was moving in the right direction. After a year and a half, my shoulder blades stabilized and I was able to start doing some gentle strengthening exercises. Gradually I became aware of parts of my body that were dissociated (which I hadn't noticed before) and so could start using my body a little differently. This also had an effect on my pain, which got a little better again.
I have incorporated this method permanently into my life and I am constantly noticing a shift, and not just on the physical plane by far, where the shift is often seen later than the mental one.
I can't say that all the painful manifestations and asymmetries are suddenly gone, but I can definitely say that I haven't discovered anything more effective yet. At the same time, I add that it is advisable to combine this method with other approaches, in my case, which is specific - core strengthening and neurology.
My approach
It depends on what the client comes with. Sometimes they just want to learn TRE, sometimes we go much deeper. My approach is to build autonomy in the client. It is a process of gradually imparting the knowledge and tools to handle all the nooks and crannies of life and awakening in him the power and tendency to use them himself, to be in control of his life, to decide and act independently, and ultimately to break free even from the confines of specific methods and find wisdom within himself. I place great emphasis on anchoring ourselves in matter, in this reality, in this time, and in fulfilling our life potential.
Working with psycho-orgastic energy
In addition to TRE itself, I can also work with the client - if and only they are interested - with a biodynamic approach focused on unleashing psycho-orgasmic energy or life force, which is often blocked by muscle armour. I use the psycho-energetic methods of Ebby Boysen, daughter of the founder of biodynamic therapy Gerda Boysen. The aim of this work is to loosen some of the armour, in particular to relax the rectus abdominis muscle in its lower part and to allow involuntary movements of the pelvis and sacral region to provide greater flexibility and vitalisation of the whole body. These spontaneous movements are called the orgastic reflex and can cause vibrations which then spread through the body and themselves loosen other muscular armour.
Group session
Group sessions are suitable for clients who already have some experience with TRE and know how they respond to it. They last about two hours and the maximum number of people is six. At the beginning of the session I have a short talk, no more than 15 minutes, on a chosen topic. Mostly for a better understanding of the method. At the same time I try to educate the participants on how the past can specifically affect our current state, emotional, mental and physical. I explain the possible strategies we may develop in response to stressful events. These strategies may be different for everyone, and through this gradual education and observation of self, each participant can come to know themselves better and become more aware of their particular survival strategies and the possible context in which they arise. Awareness is one of the first steps towards healing, towards integration.
I am newbie
Every month I organize one meeting for beginners. It lasts two and a half hours. If it is your first time meeting, I will call you first to see if group exercises are suitable for you. In fact, in some cases it is better to choose an individual approach to start.
In group classes, notice the teasing, it creates a greater sense of security for most people. If you would like to stick with the swearing, please let me know ahead of time and we will set up the meeting so that you feel comfortable.
Individual session
On the other hand, individual ones are suitable if you need more privacy, more care and a special approach. Or if you have a specific goal. We can also work with interventions to change an individual's pattern of tremors (extending to other parts of the body). In general, if the pattern of tremor does not change for 3-4 weeks, it may be appropriate to choose an intervention. It may also be desirable to occasionally choose different positions for tremor, as well as modifications to individual exercises.
If the client agrees, we may work in other ways or I may recommend specific supportive steps to support the client's goal or process.
Individual sessions provide a better opportunity to set how often and for how long to do TRE alone at home.
Price list
Initial individual session TRE (+- 120m) ................................................... 2 000 Kč
Other individual sessions TRE (+- 90m) .............................................. 1 500 Kč
Package of 4 individual TRE sessions for a new client ** ......................... 4 500 Kč
Group TRE sessions for advanced/beginners (+- 120m / 150m) ............. 350 Kč
Group TRE sessions for beginners for the first time (+- 150m) .... 450 Kč
Individual courses for group ............................................. cena dle rozsahu a účelu
Consultation ...................................................................................... 1 000 Kč / h.
Psycho-energetická terapie (90-150m) ........................................................ 1 000 Kč / h.
Discounted individual TRE sessions* ........................................................... 500 Kč
Discounted individual introductory TRE session* ....................................... 500 Kč
* Every month, I have a certain capacity for non-wealthy clients
** For new clients I recommend this package. It includes an initial session and the following three sessions, which we spread out over time over approximately 2-3 months. During this time the client is also practicing alone at home and this package is designed so that the client has already experienced the positive effects. I am in contact with the client the whole time and we consult the procedure.
In addition, I am in contact with clients by phone for follow-up support and possible consultation, free of charge.
TRE: Official website of the method:
TRE, book, David Berceli: The Trauma Release Method:
TRE, kniha, David Berceli: Trauma releasing excersizes:
TRE, book, David Berceli: The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process:
Tremors, video: Completing the stress response in a bear:
Tremors, video: Completing the stress response in an antelope:
Trauma, book, Suzanne Scurlock: a book about making the body present and integrating disconnected parts: Full Body Presence: Learning to Listen to your Body's Wisdom:
Trauma, book, Bessel van der Kolk: The body counts the wounds:
Trauma, video, Gabor Maté: The wisdom of trauma:
Trauma, book, Peter Levine: Mute Confessions:
Polyvagal theory, book: It is quite challenging to read polyvagal theory directly from Stephen Porges, here is a simpler interpretation:
Polyvagal theory, book: Again, an easier read on polyvagal theory than by Stephen Porges:
Psoas, the book, Liz Koch has been treating psoas for over 40 years: